Welcome to tips and advice. Hopefully this will raise your popularity or rating or even gourmet points!

The way you lay out your tables and stoves!

It all matters if you put the stoves 10 miles away from where the person is sitting your in for 0 popularity use this to layout your restauraunt

Above as you see, this is the 3x3 layout great for
lvl 1-18. Use it in theese levels and it is possible
to get your highest popularity!
Next is what we call a 2 cook 3 waiter and is great
for all levels create two of these to reach
maximum popularity.

Frequently asked Questions

Playfish can take up to 4 months to awnser some of your questions so everything you need to know is here.

Do more expensive stoves cook faster?

It depends, sometimes it does if the item you are about to buy has a question mark by it click on it and at the bottom it will say how much % the stove or drinks dispenser is faster!

How do I join the ranking system?

Joing the ranking sytem is easy! Follow our screenshots!
Also if you make the outside of your restaurant boring, it will take you a long time to get a rating!
All photography is taken and owned by ME!